5 best Netflix films to watch before the end of year

New Year's Eve is around the corner and you either finally get time for yourself or you're pretending to work while being alone in your office. Either way, you have more time than the usual on your hand. If you're a normal person, Christmas movies are a thing that you don't get and you wish … Continue reading 5 best Netflix films to watch before the end of year

Osmosis: anything but love at first sight

‘Osmosis’ is the new Netflix Original French sci-fi show. The platform offers us a Black Mirror-à-la-française with a story set in a Parisian near-future. The plot is about a new dating app promising to its users to find their soulmate by swallowing a brain-hacking pill that connects to their dream partner’s mind. If it makes … Continue reading Osmosis: anything but love at first sight