5 best Netflix films to watch before the end of year

New Year's Eve is around the corner and you either finally get time for yourself or you're pretending to work while being alone in your office. Either way, you have more time than the usual on your hand. If you're a normal person, Christmas movies are a thing that you don't get and you wish … Continue reading 5 best Netflix films to watch before the end of year

‘Tim Walker: Wonderful Things at the V&A’, a journey into a man’s mind

Photography, in my opinion, is a challenging space for art. Nowadays, so many people call themselves "photographer" just because they spend lots of money on an expensive camera that, yes, makes what they take aesthetically nice. But being a photographer is more than that, it's being able to see more than there is in front … Continue reading ‘Tim Walker: Wonderful Things at the V&A’, a journey into a man’s mind